Gene Mims – Local Center
Gene Mims, Senior Pastor of The Gathering and Catalyst of the LCN Local Center in Nashville, Tennessee, encourages you to start an LCN Local Center in your area. What an opportunity for you to minister to the pastors in your area. Gather together to encourage and share one another’s burdens. Above fellowship and friendship, a Local Center can lead to meaningful Kingdom-impact.
The need for in-depth discipleship
Gene Mims, Senior Pastor of The Gathering and Catalyst of the Local Center in Nashville, Tennessee, gives his insight on discipleship. As a church planter, he was burdened to start a discipleship group that delved deep into the lives of his church members. The spiritual growth that they experienced led to new leaders being raised up to carry on the mission of making new disciples.
Gene Mims – Making Disciples Who Make Disciples
Gene Mims, Catalyst of the Local Center in Nashville, Tennessee, gives his insights on learning new disciple-making methods through LCN’s Local Centers. Local Centers provide a unique opportunity for pastors in a local community to gather together and discuss personal experiences with disciple-making. Pastors share with another, encourage one another and pray for one another. Local Centers also provide opportunities to bring in speakers on a variety of subjects, always keeping in mind the goal of making disciples who make disciples.