LCN Partnership
Since 2011 LCN has supported the planting of 1,526 churches across 6 countries making 28,520 new Disciple Makers!
- 2011-2012: We saw 780 churches planted across India, Benin, Liberia, Uganda and Kenya
- 2012-2013: 200 churches planted in N.E. India and 85 in Kenya
- 2014: 120 churches planted in North Karnataka, India
- 2015: 50 churches in North India and 50 in East Nepal
- 2016: 141 churches in Kenya
- 2017: 100 churches in South India
From a few small villages in India to tens of thousands of villages, towns, and cities across 30 countries, God is at work! Nearly one million new believers have been added to the Kingdom. Tens of thousands of churches have been planted. Almost 15,000 men and women were equipped and empowered to make disciples in some of the most remote areas of the world. Thousands of orphans and widows have been taken in, cared for, and loved. Entire people groups without access to Christ for nearly 2,000 years have been engaged with the Gospel!
All because people were faithful to go, give, and pray.
- 9,159 Churches Planted
- 183,180 New Believers
- 13,091 Orphans & Widows Cared For
- 351 Unreached People Groups Being Reached
- 30 Unengaged, Unreached People Groups Being Engaged
- 26 Nations Involved