Charlie Davidson went to be with his Lord on April 21, 2017. Charlie was a retired Chaplain from the United States Air Force after 20 years of service. He was currently an Associate Professor and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Degree program at Liberty University as well as the Chaplain Endorsing Agent for Liberty Baptist Fellowship. He was also serving on the pastoral staff at Thomas Road Baptist Church.
During Operation Iraqi Freedom, Chaplain Davidson was the first Air Force Chaplain in Iraq assigned as the Wing Chaplain for the Air Force Air Support Operations Squadron (ASOS). He was also the first Air Force Chaplain to be awarded the Bronze Star Medal for bravery and valor under hostile fire and combat conditions in Operation Iraqi Freedom on November 7, 2003. Chaplain Davidson was ordained by Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr. at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. Chaplain Davidson was commissioned a chaplain in July 1986, and has served as Protestant Chaplain, Senior Protestant Chaplain, Branch Chief Chaplain and Wing Chaplain.
Chaplain Davidson served as the Chaplain Endorsing Agent for Liberty Baptist Fellowship since 2005.
On November 12, 2016, Chaplain Davidson was honored by Liberty University with the seventh George Rogers Champion of Freedom Award, given annually to a man or woman who served in the United States Armed Forces and went above the call of duty, displaying extraordinary heroism in service. The award’s namesake is a survivor of the Bataan Death March after being captured by Japanese forces while in the Philippines during World War II and later served at Liberty University as its chief financial office and vice president of finance and administration.
Charlie is survived by his wife of 40 years, Roydene Davidson, as well as two daughters and six grandchildren. The family has requested that those wishing to make memorial contributions to consider The Nathan Davidson Foundation, Shepherds Theological Seminary, 6051 Tryon Road, Cary, North Carolina 27518 (www.shepherds.edu).